The Chief Minister said that the political leadership in New Delhi and within the State must jointly work towards initiating the confidence building measures to respond to the people’s innermost yearning for peace with dignity.Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Mehbooba Mufti on Monday asked the Centre not to see all Kashmiris through the security prism, and said most people in the Valley are peace-loving. Mufti further said that majority of the people in all the regions of the State want to live in peace and harmony and that despite attempts being made by certain quarters to vitiate the atmosphere on communal lines, the people both in the Valley and Jammu do not allow the “nefarious designs” of such disruptive elements to take shape. She said at the same time, the people shall also have to give peace and reconciliation process a chance to take shape as had happened between 2002 and 2003. Do not see all Kashmiris with the same eye. They want to open their shops, they want to send their wards to school, they want to come out of the fear-psychosis they are forced into,” she said, adding that the Centre should take care of this majority of the peace-loving people in Kashmir and reach out to them.Reiterating that violence in any form only brings miseries to the people and is not a means to seek resolution of problems, Ms.

“The prevailing painful situation in Kashmir necessitates reaching out to all shades of the political opinion in the State China Wholesale industrial spray gun manufacturers and initiating substantive political and economic measures to revive and consolidate the peace and resolution process,” she said. “I appreciate and salute the people of all the regions for not allowing the situation to be communalised by such diabolic elements,” she said, seeking cooperation of people in maintaining peace and normalcy in the State.”Ms. Mufti said that solution can only be found through democratic and political means involving engagement and dialogue. The Chief Minister said that the vast majority of people in Kashmir is peace loving and wants “dignity and development”. If a police post manned by 10 personnel is attacked by 2,000 stone-pelters, it is an attack, but some people do not realise it.

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