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“Two persons were injured in this incident”.“The overall situation throughout the Valley remained under control, although incidents of stone pelting and attacks on security force establishments were reported,” the police statement said. Vohra at Raj Bhawan here to voice it ‘grave concern’ over the increasing incidence of injuries suffered by the Valley youth and even minor boys and girls in pellet gun firings.Cellular phone services have been snapped partially whereas Internet services are available only on fixed BSNL Broadband and WiFi lines. The area also witnessed intense stone-pelting involving curfew-defying youth, reports said. Two of them were hit in police firing and the rest sustained injuries due to the use of teargas canisters and pellet guns by security forces against stone-pelting crowds, reports said. One civilian died of militant firing,” it claimed. Police said that near Khaitangan in Baramulla a violent mob attacked an Army party and tried to snatch the weapon.

As anger against the security WA-101 AUTOMATIC SPRAY GUN FOR PLASTICS Company forces and government is at its height following the killing of nearly 40 people in violence, mainly in police firings, a 4,000-strong mob barged into the orchard of a Kashmiri entrepreneur Khurram Mir in Kokernag area in south of the Valley and uprooted or cut down 7,000 fruit bearing trees.One policeman Afroz Ahmed has also been killed and hundreds other security personnel have been injured in weeklong clashes. An official spokesman here said that despite curfew being in force and ongoing protests and violent clashes, 9,179 devotees paid obeisance at the cave-shrine of Amarnath. Srivastav, said that 1,000 of his men have been injured in stone pelting and other attacks across the Valley since last Saturday. During one such incident, a protester was critically wounded in security forces’ firing at Manigam in Ganderbal.


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The purpose of recounting and enumerating these speeches and the vilification campaign is to explain the kind of impact that it has had on the public at large, especially on the youth like the person who was involved in the Jamia shooting.This despite the fact that the ongoing protests in Shaheen Bagh and Jamia have peaceful. While addressing an election rally on Thursday last week, he remarked, “On February 8, you will be deciding who should form the government in Delhi… On one side it is Narendra Modi, who conducted airstrikes and surgical strikes on Pakistan’s soil to kill terrorists, and on the other, there are these people who back Shaheen Bagh. Until and unless that happens, there is no guarantee that similar incidents will not be repeated in the near future.. You have to decide. Like several other sections of society, the students of Jamia have put up a consistent protest against the CAA ever since its passage in Parliament in December 2019.Outrage against the unrelenting repression triggered the women of Shaheen Bagh to start a first-of-its-kind indefinite dharna to protest against police brutality and CAA-NRC. Shaheen Bagh has also presented itself as a model for people elsewhere wanting to protest against the CAA and NRC, and dozens of Shaheen Baghs have been emulated in other parts of the country. On Saturday last week, while addressing an election rally in Delhi,Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath had also said, “If not words, then bullets will make people understand”..What is worrying is that while just after the Jamia incident, Union home minister Amit Shah assured that “the culprit will not be spared”.

As a matter of fact, the number of protesters have been swelling day by day.Meanwhile, the government, its supporters and all those discontented with these protests, which includes a section of the mainstream media, have been all out spreading not just misinformation but also hatred against these protesters. According to a report, neighbours of the accused believe that “it’s the effect of Shaheen Bagh, JNU Taizhou Chaotian Pneumatic Tools Co, Ltd. [Jawaharlal Nehru University] and AMU [Aligarh Muslim University].In a shocking turn of events on Thursday last week, a man brandishing a gun opened fire at the anti-Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA) and National Register of Citizens (NRC) protesters near Jamia Millia Islamia, injuring a student of the university. All this has made life as a Muslim even more difficult.” This can be corroborated with the fact that minutes before he opened fire on the protesters, he had posted on his Facebook page, “Shaheen Bagh, Khel Khatam”, intending that his act was going to end the logjam at Shaheen Bagh. The restlessness among the ruling establishment and its allies to break away these protests is palpable when in a repeat of the firing incident on Thursday, another man fired at the protesters in Shaheen Bagh on Saturday.It becomes imperative to understand the “chronology” that has led up to this turn of events.


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“A stone’s throw from the Congress’ office at Akbar Road she becomes breathless — sputtering and muttering like a chronic consumptive”, and Madath is hugely embarrassed to drop off his savari mid-way.Louise Fernandes Khurshid’s imaginary conversations with a DLY driver took the shape of a newspaper column some years ago, and evolved to what we have today — “a simple journey illustrating the signs and scions of our times”.For now she is looking forward to the Hindi translation of the book (which shouldn’t be difficult given the liberal use of Hindi) and the reaction to the potshots at politicians. Madath refers to his VVIP savari, the miskeen messiah, as Rajaji, who bares his heart, insisting repeatedly on how impeccable and blemishless his image was — “Not just clean, Ariel clean!” While potshots at other political parties are ample, Khurshid has gone easy on politicians from the Grand Old Party of India for obvious reasons. Rao could have fooled the world, but not a UP taxi-wallah, who will always remember him as the man who publicly expressed satisfaction at the security arrangements at the mosque three days before it was pulled down. Narasimha Rao: “When in doubt, pout”.. How mindsets have changed. Delhi Public School children, which is where Bablu studies, trying to make Delhi plague-free is a chapter Khurshid could have dropped.”The colourful journeys with Madath’s tau Nakli Singh Yadav, a caricature of Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav, who loves inducting everyone from bus conductors to convicted dacoits into his party, and the portrayal of former Prime Minister V.

Yet she has captured the political scene in Uttar Pradesh to near perfection: Small-time politicians seeking a taxi driver’s help to be introduced to leaders in Delhi and Madath basking in all that attention — sometimes waylaying politicians outside Delhi’s Hanuman Mandir on Tuesdays.The book has been a long time coming, as Khurshid’s son Zafar pointed out during a reading at the launch. She grunts and growls and refuses to move towards a famous Lutyens’ Delhi address when she does not want a former Prime Minister to be in the “back seat”. Election Commission officials monitoring poll-related expenditure on the instructions of “Seshan the Alsation” and Madath counselling sulking clansmen: “We, anyway, don’t spend money on unnecessary election paraphernalia so accounting is never a problem.Khurshid plans a sequel in this changed political landscape and has a few chapters ready in her computer. Is moody and makes offensive sounds when it dislikes its passengers.”Khurshid often meanders to themes which do not gel with the thrust of the book.P. Answering China Low pressure spray gun Manufacturers a question at the book launch, Khurshid said, “Chachi would never have allowed Narendra Modi as a passenger.Chachi is an Ambassador of 1970s vintage that ferries dhoti-clad, paan-chewing, portly politicians indulging in “suitcase politics” back and forth from Uttar Pradesh to Delhi.”The only chapter on a Congressman is the one on late Prime Minister P. The constant referring to Madath’s wife as “Bablu ki Ma” and Bablu as “the little harami” is annoying.


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